
Frank Pallone on Tax Reform, a NO brainer!

By Susan Christopher

After seriously reviewing Frank Pallone’s voting record on important issues, it is alarming to me as it should be to all the voters in Congressional District 6 just how out of control Pallone is when it comes to tax reform! He has consistently voted “NO” on tax issues that would help create prosperity for Americans. Let me provide several examples. In December of 2005, Pallone voted NO to retain reduced taxes on capital gains and dividends, in May of 2004, he voted NO on making permanent an increase in the child tax credit, in April, 2004, he voted NO on permanently eliminating the marriage penalty, April, 2002, he voted NO on making the Bush tax cuts permanent, April, 2001, he voted NO on eliminating the Estate Tax (death tax), and the list goes on!

Frank’s voting record indicates that he is a “Big Spender” on tax votes!

The voters of CD6 must put an end to Pallone’s out of control spending!

Come November we must show Frank we are fed up with this robbery! We want the candidate who promises to reduce taxes, her name is Anna Little. Anna promotes an immediate reduction in all taxes. She believes income taxes punish success and discourages investment.


On November 2nd, we can make our voices heard and show Pallone that we vote NO to everything he stands for by electing Anna Little for Congress!

To view more of Frank Pallone’s voting record you can visit:


Posted: September 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Pallone | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Frank Pallone on Tax Reform, a NO brainer!”

  1. Felix (Phil) Palma said at 12:09 pm on September 17th, 2010:

    I met you at the MIddlesex bero get to gether. I also reviewed all of your promotional videos which where pretty convincing. However I will be watch for any negetivity on your part concerning the constitution and the bill of rights. We need a very strong (constitutionalist) NOW! also someone who “believes” in there oath when they repete, SO HELP ME GOD!!!