Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Jonathan Hornik will run for a fourth consecutive term as Mayor of Marlboro Township.
The mayor announced his candidacy on the Tommy G Show Tuesday afternoon during MMM publisher Art Gallagher’s guest appearance on popular drive time radio show.
First elected in 2007 when he defeated incumbent Republican Dr. Robert Kleinberg in a race that got statewide attention when Kleinberg incurred the pubic wrath radio personality Jim Gearhart and Asbury Park Press columnist Bob Ingle by falsely claiming Gearhart’s endorsement. Kleinberg then went on the air with Gearhart the day before the election to argue with the host and defend his campaign mail.
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Posted: December 5th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Monmouth County News, News | Tags: Bob Ingle, Carol Mazzola, Jeff Cantor, Jim Gearhart, Jon Hornik, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Monmouth County News, Robert Kleinberg, Tommy G Show | 1 Comment »
Updated: Former Marlboro GOP Chairman Christopher Dean wants the world to know that Councilman Scalea was never a Republican and that he has proof from the Board of Elections. Dean says that MMM is spreading Mayor Hornik’s lies and that facts don’t matter on this site. He said he’s going to spread the word at some meetings he has coming up.

Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Desperate to be a player and for a victory of any kind, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal told a gathering of statewide Democrats in Freehold on Wednesday evening that Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik’s reelection race is his top priority this year, according to report on PolitickerNJ.
Marlboro is a Republican town. Year after year the Township’s voters break for Republicans for Freeholder, County Constitutional offices, State Legislature, Governor, Congress, Senate and President.
Yet Hornik leads a municipal government that on paper is Democratic. The reality is that Hornik’s administration is dominated by former Republicans who left a dysfunctional local GOP at the mayor’s urging.
Hornik, whose father Saul was mayor of the community from 1980-1991, was first elected in 2007 in a race remembered for incumbent Republican Robert Kleinberg distributing flyers implying that he had been endorsed by NJ 101.5’s morning host Jim Gearhart. Gearhart and Gannett columnist Bob Ingle , then media leaders of the GRIP (Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians) movement, went ballistic on Kleinberg. Kleinberg imploded during a live radio interview wherein he explained the flyers were not meant to imply an endorsement, but as a way to show his kids that people were saying nice things about him.
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Posted: March 27th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: "LaHornicca", Carol Mazzola, Frank LaRocca, Jeff Cantor, Jon Hormik, Jonathan Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Mike Scalea, Selika Josiah Gore, Vin Gopal | 10 Comments »
Frank LaRocca resigned his post as a Councilman in Marlboro and his chairmanship of the Marlboro Democratic Committee earlier this month in order to become Keyport’s new Municipal Court Judge.
By NJ law, the vacancy is filled by the Party Committee of the departing office holder’s party nominating three candidates to fill the position. The governing body then selects one of the three to fill the vacancy until the next election.
The three candidates selected by the Marlboro Democratic Committee were Republicans until they each changed their affiliation to Democrat yesterday.
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Posted: January 21st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, marriage, Monmouth County | Tags: Carol Mazzola, Councilwoman Randi Marder, Dr. Peter Bufano, Frank LaRocca, Jeff Cantor, Judge Frank LaRocca, Marlboro, Marlboro Township, Mayor Jon Hornik, Michael Scalea, Vincent Rantinella | 5 Comments »
Monmouth County’s newest Demcratic office holder, Marlboro Councilwoman Carol Mazzola, is not ready to join Mayor Jon Hormik on the Barbara Buono for Governor bandwagon.
“I don’t know anything about her, ” Mazzola said in a phone interview, echoing the sentiments of 82% of New Jersey voters polled by Quinnipiac.
“I love Chris Christie!’ Mazzola exclaimed when asked what she thought about the Governor. But she stopped short of endorsing the New Jersey head of her former party. “Ask me in the fall when its time to make a decision.”
Mazzola was elected to the Marlboro Township Committee as a Republican in 2009. She announced earlier this month that she will run for reelection as a Democrat on Hornik’s team.
Posted: January 29th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Barbara Buono, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro | Tags: Barbara Buono, Carol Mazzola, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ | 4 Comments »
“The Marlboro Republican Party was saddened but not surprised to learn that Carol Mazzola has chosen to switch parties to run for re-election. It had become increasingly obvious that Carol had turned her back on her supporters and supported an administration which has given Marlboro residents skyrocketing property taxes and irresponsible spending. If Carol supports an administration which has increased Marlboro’s debt to an all time high, pays legal fees in excess of $1 million per year (more than double what large towns like Middletown are paying), and has essentially looted our water authority by spending its surplus and loading it with $8 million in debt, then she does not represent the values of Republicans in Marlboro or anywhere.
The Marlboro Republican Party intends to field a competitive slate of council candidates this November who share Governor Christie’s fiscally conservative, reform agenda. We will spend the next 10 months pointing out in detail the destructive policies and decisions the Hornik administration has pursued ( and Carol Mazzola has agreed with). The choice will be stark and we believe Marlboro voters are ready to elect representatives who answer to the taxpayer, not political bosses, and who do what’s best for our town, not for themselves.”
Posted: January 17th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Marlboro, Press Release | Tags: Bid Adieu, Carol Mazzola, Christopher Dean, Governor Christie, Hornik Administration, Marlboro GOP, Marlboro Republican Party | Comments Off on Marlboro GOP Bids Carol Mazzola Adieu
Mayor Jon Hornik was present at the meeting

Carol Mazzola, right, with Selika Josiah Gore and Kim Guadagno during their 2009 campaign. facebook photo
Marlboro Councilwoman Carol Mazzola met with Monmouth County Republican Chairman John Bennett prior to announcing her to run for reelection as a Democrat this fall. Mayor Jon Hornik was present at the meeting which took place in Freehold.
Mazzola told MoreMonmouthMusings that she met with Bennett out of respect for the chairman for whom she has great admiration. She said that Bennett attempted to pursuade her not to switch partys, but that her mind was already made upInflatable Slide.
The councilwoman, who is seeking her second term on the Marlboro Council, said she’s been struggling with the decision for many months. “In the end, I know I made the right decision for myself and for the citizens of Marlboro,” she said, “win lose or draw, I know I did the right thing.”
Bennett has not returned MMM’s call for comment.
Posted: January 17th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: "LaHornicca", Carol Mazzola, Democrat, John Bennett, Jon Hornik, Kim Guadagno, Marlboro Democrats, Republican, Selika Josiah Gore | Comments Off on Mazzola Met With Bennett Before Switching Partys
Former Republican joins the Democratic Party. Says Local Democrats Put People First
Marlboro Councilwoman Carol Mazzola has joined the Democratic Party and will seek reelection this fall as a member of her new party, Muncipal Chairman and Council President Frank LaRocca announced today.
“Mayor Jon Hornik and Chairman LaRocca are doing phenomenal jobs,” Mazzola said. “It’s always people first with their team; not politics first. The Council is doing an excellent job and I feel very comfortable being part of their team. They have the best interests of Marlboro at heart.”
Mazzola is the second Republican to switch parties and join Mayor Jonathon Hornik’s and LaRocca’s team since they were first elected in 2007. Coucilman Jeff Cantor, a former Republican Freeholder candidate, became a member of the Marlboro Democratic team in 2009.
Marlboro GOP Co-Muncipal Chair Selika Joshiah Gore said she was saddened by Mazzola’s decision.
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Posted: January 16th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Marlboro | Tags: Carol Mazzola, Frank LaRocca, John Bennett, Jon Hornik, Monmouth Democrats, Selika Josiah Gore, Vin Gopal | 9 Comments »