Josh Welle Applied To Work In The Trump Administration Last Year
Josh Welle, the Virginia registered voter running against Congressman Chris Smith in the 4th Congressional District of New Jersey, applied to the Trump Administration’s first class of White House Fellows, MMM learned today. He was a finalist for the position, interviewed by the Commissioners of the program, but was not one of the fourteen fellows announced by the Trump White House on September 20, 2017 .
Welle filed to be a candidate for Congress on October 7, 2017, 17 days after the White House Fellows were announced without his name on the list.
According to our source, an administration official who asked not to be named in this story, Welle pursued the fellowship throughout the first months of the Trump Administration. He failed to make the final cut “because there is something off about him.”
Had he been selected for the fellowship, Welle would have worked full time as an assistant to White House senior staff, Cabinet Secretaries or other top-ranking government officials.
Welle has not yet responded to several messages today asking him why he applied to work for the Trump Administration. Welle has not had anything nice to say about the President or his policies since becoming a candidate.
Can’t be trusted.
Kudos to Trump for vetting someone who would undoubtedly have been nothing but trouble for his administration. The last thing he needs are more traitors within the White House ranks.
“According to our source, an administration official who asked not to be named in this story, Welle pursued the fellowship throughout the first months of the Trump Administration. He failed to make the final cut ‘because there is something off about him.'”
Sounds *totally* legit. I believe the rock solid sourcing of MMM. No possible way this would be made up.
Also, saying that this would be applying to “work in the Trump Administration” is a biiiiig stretch. Which is another way of saying a flat out lie.
It’s an explicitly non-partisan fellowship program:
“The White House Fellowship continues to be a non-partisan program. It has strictly maintained this tradition during both Republican and Democratic administrations and, through the cross-fertilization of ideas and experience, has enriched the practice of public policy for more than five decades.
“The mission of the non-partisan White House Fellows Program, as envisioned by President Johnson, was in his words, ‘To give the Fellows first hand, high-level experience with the workings of the Federal government and to increase their sense of participation in national affairs.’ In return for the Fellowship year, President Johnson expected the Fellows to ‘repay that privilege’ when they left by ‘continuing to work as private citizens on their public agendas.’ He hoped that the Fellows would contribute to the nation as future leaders.
“Today, the mission remains the same: to encourage active citizenship and service to the Nation.”
Cut it out, this is a partisan blog, facts have no place here.
There IS something “OFF ” about Josh Welle.
Even the Asbury Park Press could see that.
They don’t like this guy, either.
They pretty much summed him all up in the article they wrote decrying him, AND endorsing his opponent.
It’s really damning stuff.
whatever the APP says must be gold. They are almost better sourced than MMM. Almost.
@I mean,
Hmmm, … …
So, everyone who sits down and meets with this guy JOSH WELLE, thinks that there’s something “off” about him, and that there’s something “off” about his motives & behavior, too.
But YOU, Mr. Anonymous “I-Mean”, do not?
Uhhh, …
hey, well then… … sure.
Now, THAT sells it for me.
Of course.
(giggles to self)
Shall we chant now together, Brother “I-Mean”?
C’mon, all together now!!
“I be-lieve,
I be-lieve,
I be-lieve that we shall win!”
(Repeat, with crescendo of feeling)
“I be-lieve,
I be-lieve,
I be-lieve that we shall win!”
I feel better about Josh Welle now.
Don’t you?
(giggling again)
Hey! Don’t make fun of those ritualistic chants we do with The Beloved Leader!
They really help me to focus on waaaaay better things than critical thinking (highly over-rated, says Josh) or what Josh Welle might really be all about!!
Here’s one of my favorite chants from last week:
“Joy to the world,
All the boys and girls,
Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea,
Joy to y..” …
… … … Oh wait a sec,
That WAS NOT a chant at a Josh Welle volunteers’ meeting!
It was some supermarket checkout dude TALKING TO ME THROUGH MY CAR RADIO!! Damn that evil joy-to-the-world stuff! Josh warned me about all those people who hang out in supermarkets!!
Sorry. That really shook me up.
Hey, anyone here want to chant?
The laughing stock of Monmouth politics.
Calls Chris Smith perverse (when it’s the far left that is perverse) has a temper tantrum over losing the APP endorsement
Holds a fake town hall with scripted questions, has a fake meet and greet at the Red Bank train station using a volunteer as a train rider
Is a carpet bagger from Virginia, fails to pay taxes and uses lies and deceitful tactics.
Can anyone make a chant out of that 🙂
You are also anonymous. I mean we can change that very quickly if you like. But me thinks you will turn that offer down. Rest well in obscurity.
i love the shit that gets published here.
for the ability to make points, make jokes, make sense, and make nonsense! Am quite sure he has saved us all trips to our gastro doctors, by getting many things off our chests- just another form of public service!😉
Gosh darn it, this is fun!
But I reeeeeally have to run now.
It’s my turn to show up at the train station where Josh is greeting potential voters and pretend to have a real, live, ACCIDENTAL FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH THE ONE & ONLY, JOSH WELLE!! (all caught on film, of course)
That’s just one of the many awe-inspiring things Josh Welle allows his volunteers to do for him after we chant together in obedient, creepy, unison.
So, see ya’ all later,
and don’t forget what Josh always says:
VOTE TUESDAY because if you don’t, somebody from the supermarket just might!
(Or something like that… …. I can’t really remember, with all that chanting stuck in my head.)
This guy is not just a little strange, he’s lock up the kids weird. Remember a few weeks ago when he came into the Republican headquarters uninvited and started harassing and winking at all the female staff? These kind of antics show that this guy has no business anywhere near an elected office
Just saw a couple of his large 4 x 4 signs, suddenly put out in desperation the day before the election…
ANYBODY who puts a smug looking picture of themselves on signs like that is an egotistical, narcissistic person.
On the sign was Country over Party.
Yes, REPUBLICANS do put Country over party. Few of today’s Democrats actually do that and Welle certainly isn’t one of them.
It’s all about him
Can someone please tell Josh Welle that the local supermarket is not a haven for “enemies” and “bigots”?
This part-time job is nasty enough without Welle enthusiasts looking at Grandma Wilson like she’s an ax murderer or something.
I would very much appreciate this message being passed along. Thank you.
if I was unemployed, I would be chugging turpentine and rambling incoherently on here through various portions of the day as well. Sober up and vote tomorrow, Chris needs you. Remember it’s not a real W unless he wins by 35%.
@I Suppose,
Tsk tsk! Such an attitude!
Don’t worry, Mr. Welle.
It’ll all be over before you can once again say, “Beware the supermarket shoppers and the restaurant goers!”
Do us all a favor and learn something from all this, ‘K? The lessons are simple. Guys like you need to quit trying to manipulate everybody else. Period.
unlike Smith, Welle, and yourself, I am gainfully employed. You’re welcome for all the government assistance my tax $ affords you!
Uhhh, …yeah.
I don’t kno who you think you’re talkin to, but dude, whatever you’re seeing in your head,
it ain’t me.
I love what I do for a living, but hey, if you’ve enjoyed my comments here THAT MUCH, I will gladly accept a donation.
Mail your check to the ASPCA on my behalf, and we’ll call it even. Make sure you pay your taxes, too. Thanks!