Candidate For GOP Nomination Against Pallone Is Democratic Fundraiser/Donor
Hari Eppanapally of Livingston will be seeking the Republican nomination for congress in the 6th congressional district next Saturday at the Monmouth and Middlesex nominating conventions. His prior political experience is as an active fundraiser for Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula’s 2012 congressional run against Republican Congressman Leonard Lance in the 7th congressional district.
Eppanapply contributed $2500 to President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign.
MMM hereby endorses Eppanapally for the Democratic nomination for congress in CD-6.
Really. Eppanapally has a better chance of beating Frank Pallone in the Democratic primary than he does of beating Pallone in the general election.
The Vice President and member of the Board of The Financial Policy Council, a free market oriented non-profit think tank and policy advocate, Eppanapally would be a much better congressman than Pallone.
Pallone doesn’t understand free markets or believe in wealth creation. The people of the 6th district, New Jersey and the United States of American would be better off with Eppanapally in congress, even as a member of the Democratic Caucus. If Eppanapally really wants to be a Republican, he can change parties after he is elected to congress.
In the meantime, we urge Eppanapally to leverage his Democratic relationships to unseat Pallone, rather than crashing the Republican Party.
Eppanapally hosted a fundraiser for Chivukula’s 2012 congressional campaign in his home.
He traveled the country with Chivukula asking Democrats for money to use against Lance.

Delaware Governor Jack Markell-D, with Upendra Chivukula, Hari Eppanapply and other Chivukula supporters.
[…] By Art Gallagher | […]
His republican primary opponent, who I met at the Middlesex screening, is one of the brightest and most eloquent men I’ve met in a long time, and he only fell one vote short of getting the reccomendation over Hari-20 to 11 I think. Hari has little chance in the GOP primary, so he’s better off switching.
Sam Thompson picked him for the convention and you know he only picks winning candidates lol
You know I only pick candidates that can help line my pockets. Sipprelle, Gooch, now this guy. If it’s good for my bank account it’s good for the people of Middlesex County!!
So shit up and donate money to me if you want to run for office!!!!
because of the failed leadership of John Bennett & Sam Thompson.
More to come…
As a practical matter, Bennett and Thompson don’t give a hoot who serves in Congress. A local congressman can do nothing for them. The only reason they dabble in congressional races is to raise money for the county. It’s never about actually winning an election, it’s about getting some sucker to give them a boatload of money every two years.
Arguably, they are better off without a congressman from their own party being in office. It would reduce their influence and perceived power, and would deny their ability to attract a deep pocket sucker every two years. Why in earth would they want to do that?
At the MCRO screening he alluded to the fact that he lived in Edison. Does he? Since he has been very generous to the Democrats has he registered as a Republican or will he wait until he gets the nomination at the convention to then register.
[…] Wilkinson, 48, of Old Bridge, will compete with Hari Eppanapally for the Republican nomination to represent the 6th Congressional District on Saturday, March 22 when […]
[…] Wilkinson, 48, of Old Bridge, will compete with Hari Eppanapally for the Republican nomination to represent the 6th Congressional District on Saturday, March 22 […]
here is another case of the leadership of the party, not doing their job. you are telling me this is the best the republicans can find in the whole district? it reminds me of the mayor of marlboro, that continually says that he’s really a republican . of course when hes talking to republications, and talks out the other side of his mouth when talking to democrats. and you wonder why the republications are diet coke to the democrats coke. we as a party had better start acting like republicans and the values of the party , instead of worrying about getting more business for their law firms.
I wonder if these two candidates know each other…
[…] MMM stands by its endorsement of Eppanapally for the Democratic nomination in CD-6. Pallone can be beat in a primary, as Cory Booker proved last August in the Special Senate Primary. More importantly, Pallone’s campaign war chest was depleted by about 75% in that primary last year. Eppanapally can force Pallone to spend his resources while defending his Democratic nomination while the GOP candidate, presumably Wilkinson baring an unknown primary contestant, raises funds for the fall campaign. If Eppanapally agrees to enter the Democratic Primary, MMM will lead his petition drive to get him on the ballot. […]