
Update: Internet Gambling Bugs Getting Fixed Fast

Online gambling aKathleen Sebelious should hire The Borgata’s techies to fix HealthCare.gov.

Since talking with Raj early this afternoon, the $45 that went missing in cyberspace when I got booted from a blackjack game at BorgataCasino.com because the system thought I had left New Jersey is back in my account.  I played for another 20 minutes this afternoon and netted $5.00

Not a bad day.  I put up $20 and now I have an account with Borgata with $80 in it.  My only problem is that I have to drive to Atlantic City to get the money.

Hopefully the techies will come up with a way for me to have the money transferred back to me as easily as I deposited it by tomorrow.

Posted: November 25th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Atlantic City, Internet Gambling | Tags: , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Update: Internet Gambling Bugs Getting Fixed Fast”

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