Serena is the best choice for Monmouth County Freeholder

Serena DiMaso
Monmouth County residents are fortunate that the Republican party has such a deep bench of qualified talent. Any of the four municipal office holders seeking to take Assemblyman Rob Clifton’s seat on the Board of Chosen Freeholders on Saturday can do the job and do it well.
Serena DiMaso of Holmdel has distinguished herself as the outstanding choice amongst very good choices.
Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle and Manalapan Committeeman Ryan Green, both newcomers to county level politics, each have a great deal of promise. Each has a future in higher office should they continue to pursue it.
Howell Mayor Bob Walsh was the early favorite of this blog. We agree with everything that our friend James Hogan said about Bob in his endorsement, except Jim’s conclusion that Bob is the best candidate at this time. We are impressed with Bob’s political accomplishments, his passion and his entrepreneurial creativity. We appreciate his “big personality.” We’re impressed that he has won over Joe DiBella, his former passionate political adversary.
But we believe that Serena DiMaso will be a better freeholder and a better candidate, at this time.
Serena’s personality is not as big as her heart. She is a rare breed of politician; a truly humble public servant. Her quiet demeanor masks a tough, tenacious and very smart conservative leader.
The Freeholder Board is already occupied by big personalities. We believe that Serena is the perfect replacement for Rob Clifton’s calm, quiet leadership.
We also believe that Serena is the perfect running mate for Freeholder Director John Curley this year and for Freeholder Tom Arnone and Sheriff Shaun Golden next year. As her speaking skills continue to improve…she’s improved remarkably during this brief campaign… Serena will be very difficult for the Democrats to run against. Her record is impressive and she can sell it.
One more thing about Serena that really impressed us. In addition to her work as an elected official in Holmdel, on the stump she’s been touting her work as a member of the Board of Trustees of Meridan Health, Chair of the Bayshore Hospital Foundation and a volunteer for the Holmdel First Aid Squad.
We figured the First Aid Squad gig was a resume builder like many politicians who join their community fire departments so that they use pictures wearing gear in campaign materials. Then we learned that Serena went on over 300 emergency calls last year. What mayor or chair of a hospital foundation does that? How does she do all that? “Dinner is often late to the table and the laundry is done in the middle of the night,” was her answer.
Serena will bring a great, deep, balance to the next two general election tickets and to the Board of Freeholders.
A first ballot victory on Saturday is in order.
Art, for the most part I strongly agree with this endorsement of Serena. The public and community service runs deep.
Yes, I disagree with Jen Beck and her pro-abortion, flip-floppin gay marriage issue. But despite that, I too would give Serena my support.
My only objection to the future ticket, is Serena’s running with the current sheriff. Reasons I have enumerated in the past–as well as reasons I have not made public.
And to the nasty old hag from Howell: Your objections to new-comers to this county and where they work is reprehensible. You should be ashamed of yourself for even bringing up that issue. That is akin to racism and bias. I don’t mind you bashing a politician for their positions–the way you bash Bob Walsh. But to attack someone because there from some location other than Monmouth County is disgraceful.
Her new home–like mine–is Monmouth County!!!
Good luck Serena!!!!!!
Serena is the best candidate. Good Personality, great knowledge, and she’s a woman, a smart woman. She brings balance to a good board and can now make it a great board.
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