Walsh’s Good Works

Holmdel Mayor Bob Walsh at the 2009 Optimist Club of Howell's Annual Breakfast for Special Needs and Underprivleged Children
By Art Gallagher
The photo posted this morning in Tis The Season has caused quite a stir and prompted many phone calls and emails, including a call from Howell Mayor Bob Walsh who said he expected such posts from Kathy Barratta but not from me.
He said this morning’s post was “a bad joke.”
The photo of Walsh published this morning also appears in the Monmouth County Affiliated Republican Club’s events photo archive.
Walsh put his appearance at the Monmouth County Federation of Republican Women’s Holiday Luncheon, dressed as an elf, in context and provided more photos. He said he has been appearing at the Optimist Club of Howell’s Annual Breakfast with Santa for special needs and underprivileged children for 8 years. That’s were he was prior to attending the Federation’s luncheon in Red Bank.
Walsh said his appearance as an elf at the luncheon was just a quick stop between events. After the luncheon he went on to a baby shower and then to another charitable event for special needs children at a private venue.
Walsh does not yet have photos from last Saturday’s Optimist event, but said he would send them on when he gets them.
MMM welcomes similar photos of any other Freeholder candidate.
I told you so! Now do you get it? The man is a buffoon like the village idiot. I do not want to be mean, honestly. It is just that this is the deal with this man. He should not be a Freeholder. He should be the class clown.
He is not taken seriously in Howell at all. Have you ever heard him speak? Have you ever heard him try and explain something?
Get a load of this beauty from an old Howell Meeting before he was Mayor. Will make you cringe. Listen from about minute 4 and after. It is “Rocky Balboa” in Howell. You NEED TO SEE and hear this please (cut and paste into your browser):
Look, if you want a guy to play a round of golf with or have a beer, bumbling Bob is your man. But Freeholder? Please!
And this he’s a generous guy donating his time crap? Please. Its so he can get the pat on the rump. He tells people every day all the stuff he does and how much he donates. Someone that really believes in it does it without having to tell everyone and look for the recognition.
Imagine this come Freeholder re-orgaization day:
Roll Call:
Director Curley:HERE
Freeholder Burry: HERE
Freeholder Arnone: HERE
Freeholder Rich: HERE
Freeholder Walsh: (gasp from the crowd….long pause…). Again, Freeholder Walsh:
“Yo, where are we on the agenda? I vote yeah…yo!
Think this is a joke? It is not. Trust us.