Scott’s “Trail Mix” for November 1
It is time. We have knocked. We have walked. We have talked. We have worked and toiled and extended ourselves in a passionate and committed campaign. The collective efforts have been heroic and inspiring. We have a mere 24 hours of “prep” remaining and then the boxer will enter the arena and the bell will ring. We are ready.
Final Contrast
If you need one last reminder what this election is all about, if you need to view a final contrast between the visions of reform versus the failing status quo, then please take 26 minutes to view the third Sipprelle-Holt debate on NJN here:
Victory Night
Please join us at the Princeton Westin at Forrestal Village (just off Route 1) on election night. Festivities begin at 7pm.
Last Chance to Contribute Financially
Feel free to send our “Donate” link to fence-sitters who only finance “winners.”
Thank you for your continued demonstration of passion and purpose in our campaign for America’s future.
Posted: November 1st, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Scott Sipprelle | Tags: Scott Sipprelle, Trail Mix | 1 Comment »