Governor Chris Christie will be a guest Tucker Carlson Tonight on FoxNews at 9pm, according to announcement from Christie’s office.
The topic will be the fiasco of the RyanCare vote and the “surveillance mayhem” surrounding President Trump, according to the promo on the FoxNews site. Charles Krauthammer will also be appearing on the show.
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Posted: March 24th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Donald Trump, New Jersey | Tags: Chris Christie, FoxNews, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, President Donald Trump, Reince Priebus, RyanCare, Steve Bannon, surveillance mayhem, wiretapping | Comments Off on This ought to be good: Governor Christie is on Tucker Carlson’s show tonight
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

Rabbi Shumley Boteach
There are few Jewish journalists I like and respect as much as Samuel Freedman, a distinguished professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and Pulitzer-prize nominee, which is why if he criticizes me I take it seriously.
Sam wrote a lengthy feature on me and my friend Peter Noel when we co-hosted WWRL 1600 AM’s morning show in 2002-2003. It was a ground-breaking radio program on America’s legacy black radio station that featured a renowned African-American journalist and a Rabbi dueling it out for four hours every morning. Peter became a brother to me and remains so till today, veritably one of the truly fine people I know amid our myriad political disagreements. Sam’s lengthy feature in The New York Times captured the vibrancy of our morning program and the capacity of people from different backgrounds to find common ground and love each other.
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Posted: December 16th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Elections, 2016 Presidential Politics, Opinion | Tags: Donald Trump, Iran, OpEd, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Samuel Freedman, Steve Bannon | Comments Off on OpEd: Jews who Demonize Bannon and Legitimize Iran