MMM broke all previous traffic records today by a large margin and there is still an hour left of the day.
I was shocked when I looked at the stat counter. I didn’t post much today. What could it be? The picture of Obama in Ohio? John Bennett’s bylaws?
No, it was Princess Kate’s boobs.
Thousands of disappointed voyeurs from all over the world came to MMM and ended up reading about the State Department’s news blackout on Libya.
I’m so proud.

Posted: September 17th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Art Gallagher, Media | Tags: Art Gallagher, John Bennet's bylaws, Kate's boobs, Princess Kate's boobs, State Department, State Department news blackout | 4 Comments »
Now that the Obama administration’s spin that the ongoing anti-American riots in the Middle East that started on September 11 are caused by a reaction to an idiotic video is failing to hold up under scrutiny, the State Department has told reporters to stop asking about the crisis. Most mainstream reporters and media outlets seem to be fine with that.
Have you seen the video? Probably not. According to YouTube’s counter, it has only been viewed 3.6 million times. That may sound like a lot of views. By typical YouTube standards the video is viral. Yet for the supposed impact it has had on the world, the lives it supposedly cost and the news generated about it, the equivalent of less than half the population of New Jersey has viewed it. More people have seen pictures of Princess Kate’s boobs, which were easier to find on the Internet than the video was. I guess it is refreshing to know that the President of the United States has more influence on the media than the Queen of England does.
Here’s a link to the video. You’re on your own to find pictures of Kate’s boobs.
Posted: September 16th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Barack Obama, Media, Middle East | Tags: Barack Obama, idiotic video, Kate's boobs, Libya, Middle East, Muhammad Movie Trailer, President of the United States, Princess Kate's boobs, Queen of England, September 11, State Department news blackout, YouTube | 21 Comments »