Monmouth and Assembly Republicans Support Marlboro GOP

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick (center-right) presents a check to the “Positively Marlboro” GOP candidates, Sui Allex for Council, Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council candidate John Dwyer, far right, as campaign treasurer Mario Giudice licks his lips in anticipation in the background photo bomb.
Republican activists and leaders from throughout Monmouth County and beyond gathered with the Marlboro Party faithful last night at the Bella Vista Country Club, providing the “Positively Marlboro” GOP slate of Ira Goldberg for Mayor and Council Candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer with a boost of enthusiasm and campaign cash for their uphill battle to unseat Democratic Mayor Jon Hornik and his “Right Team” slate of incumbent council members Randi Marder and Mike Scalea.
“Two hours ago I was in the Governor’s backyard,” Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, the headliner of the event, said as he started his remarks. “Where are you going?,” Bramnick said the Governor wanted to know as he prepared to leave.” “Marlboro.” “Why?” “Because Selika Josiah Gore (Chair of the Marlboro GOP) called me an wouldn’t get off the line until I agreed.”
“This is the most energetic Republican event I have seen this season,” Bramnick said during his remarks and announced that he would write a check to the campaign from his own account on the spot.
Posted: September 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, Bella Vista Country Club, Declan O'Scanlon, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Bramnick, Marlboro GOP, Monmouth County News, Selkia Josiah Gore, Shaun Golden, Sui Alex | Comments Off on Monmouth and Assembly Republicans Support Marlboro GOP