
What kind of a poltician is Bob Menendez?

By Rob Eichmann   Cross-posted from ConservativeNewJersey

U. S. Senator Bob Menendez was in Belleville, NJ. on September 25 looking for votes from American Veterans and throwing around Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark. Menendez likes to contrast himself with Romney. He told the veterans how much he understands them and their lives. What a joke.

How can he? How can a career politician like Bob Menendez play the champion of the “middle class” when he has lived as a member of that most elite of elites, the “political class”, for nearly all of his adult life? In other words, he is that rarity of rarities – a one percenter among one percenters.

Starting out as a young man on the make, Bob Menendez hitched on to corrupt Union City boss Mayor Musto and became one of his ardent henchmen – until a palace coup got rid of Boss Musto and replaced him with Boss Menendez. And what kind of a boss was Bob Menendez? To know the politician, you must go back to his roots, in Union City, back when he had his first taste of power, back when he was Mayor Menendez – boss of Union City.

In the winter of 1988, a story broke about an American veteran, down on his luck, living in low income housing, stuck in Union City. The Record (Bergen County) carried this report on December 9, 1988:

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Posted: October 6th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »