
Celebrating the 9-11 Survivors

By Art Gallagher

Part of me would like to forget September 11, 2001.

It was a horrible day, parts of which I can remember like it happened last week.  The phone call from my assistant asking if I’d heard about the plane crashing into the World Trade Center.  The meeting where we didn’t discuss our work but were listening to the radio reports of the incident when the second plane hit.  The horror when we realized that our country was under attack. The tearful phone call from my father who feared for a family member who worked in downtown Manhattan. The crowd that gathered in my Highlands backyard watching the smoke in the distance and the ferry boats docking with soot covered strangers. Phones stopped working.  Sending my employees home early. The look on my wife’s face. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: September 11th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: 9-11, Freedom, Monmouth County News, News, Unite States of America | Tags: , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Attention Highlands and Sea Bright residents: Your input matters

New-Jersey-Future-logoNew Jersey Future has teamed up with a research scientist from Carnegie Mellon University to support Highlands and Sea Bright in our effort to develop a long-term resiliency plan.  One part of this support involves reaching out to and engaging with the public to talk about flooding risk and plausible solutions. To that end, they developed a short survey to understand how best to talk about these issues with community members.

Please help our community in its plan for recovery and resiliency.This 10-15 minute survey will ask about your beliefs on flooding and flooding risk. Your answers will help Highlands, Sea Bright and New Jersey Future make plans for long-term community resiliency.  In a few months, New Jersey Future will publish a summary of the answers given by the community.

Here is the link to the survey:  http://njfuture.org/risksurvey

Posted: August 25th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Highlands, Hurricane Sandy, Monmouth County, New Jersey Future, Sean Kean | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Attention Highlands and Sea Bright residents: Your input matters