Juanita Lewis, seated left in the beige pants and dark blouse, and Ed Zipprich looking lonely, at their Broad St, Red Bank campaign headquarters this evening.
Red Bank Council Members Ed Zipprich and Juanita Lewis, both of whom were out of town and too busy to debate their Republican challengers Sean DiSomma and Linda Schwabenbauer last night at the West Side Community Group’s 18th annual forum, were back in town this evening, nearly alone in their Broad Street campaign headquarters with four volunteers.
Zipprich and Lewis have yet to respond to DiSomma and Schwabenbauer’s offer to host a Tele-Town Hall debate for Red Bank voters this weekend.
Zipprich and Lewis invited 230 people to come to their headquarters for phone banking tonight. Two people RSVP’d via facebook and as of about 7PM, four people showed up.
150 people showed up to hear the candidates debate last night. Zippy and Lewis should have been there.
Posted: October 29th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Red Bank | Tags: Ed Zipprich, Juanita Lewis, Linda Schwabenbauer, Red Bank, Red Bank Council Race, Sean DiSomma, West Side Community Group | 7 Comments »
Republicans challenge incumbents to debate this weekend

Red Bank Councilman Ed Zipprich
Red Bank Council members Ed Zipprich and Juanita Lewis were no shows at the 18th annual candidates forum hosted by the Westside Community Group, according to a report on RedBankGreen.
Republican challengers for Borough Council Sean DiSomma and Linda Schwabenbauer fielded questions from the standing room only crowd of about 150 at the River Street Commons senior housing center on Catherine Street. DiSomma offered Zipprich and Lewis’s chairs to members of the audience.
Mayor Pat Menna, a Democrat running unopposed for reelection, showed up half way through the two hour forum. RedBankGreen reported Menna was at a campaign fundraiser at the Oyster Point Hotel for the first hour of the debate.
DiSomma, who is also Chairman of the Red Bank Republican Committee, told MMM that Zipprich and Lewis are afraid of facing the voters and are hoping that they can run out the clock of the election without defending their records.
“The Westside Community Group offered Zipprich and Lewis three different dates for the forum,” DiSomma said, “they cancelled last week’s Council Meeting, as they have done for 5 of the last 6 pre-election council meetings. If I had their record, I would want to hide too.”
DiSomma noted that under Zipprich and Lewis, Red Bank’s debt has increased 22% and spending has increased 28%. “Lewis doesn’t attend council meetings,” DiSomma said, “she literally calls in her votes on important matters to the people of Red Bank.”
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Posted: October 29th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Red Bank | Tags: Ed Ziprrich, Juanita Lewis, Linda Schwabenbauer, Red Bank, Red Bank Council Race, Sean DiSomma | 3 Comments »

Sean DiSomma
Sean DiSomma, the Chairman of the Red Bank Republicans and a candidate for Council in the upcoming election has requested that MMM not to publish the video of Councilman Ed Zipprich’s arrest for Driving Under the Influence and not to release it to any other publications. Zipprich is one of DiSomma’s opponents in the election.
“Linda (Schwabenbauer, DiSomma’s running mate) and I decided to run our campaign on the issues…making Red Bank’s government more affordable,” said DiSomma, “Zipprich’s allegation that we are responsible for the release of the video to the Asbury Park Press is baseless. Mr. Zipprich says he’s working every day to be a better person. I hope that is true and that he retracts the allegation.”
“Last year the Democrats went into the gutter with false allegations against me,” DiSomma continued, referring to Demcratic County Chairman Vin Gopal’s false allegation last October that there was a warrant out for his arrest in Texas for an unpaid speeding ticket, “two wrongs don’t make a right. If this campaign is on the issues, we win.”
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Posted: October 13th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Red Bank, Vin Gopal | Tags: Driving the wrong way on the Garden State Parkway, DUI, Ed Zipprich, Linda Schwabenbauer, Monmouth Democrats, Red Bank, Red Bank Council Race, Sean DiSomma, Vin Gopal | 15 Comments »
Cindy Burnham, left, addresses the audience as Sean Di Somma, Kathy Horgan and Sharon Lee listen at the Westside Community Group’s annual candidate’s forum Thursday night. (Click to enlarge) By JOHN T. WARD The question of whether to keep or sell…
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Posted: October 18th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Red Bank | Tags: Red Bank Council Race, RedBankGreen | 7 Comments »