Read Murphy resigns from Sea Bright Council

Read Murphy
After 25 years of service over a 28 year period, C. Read Murphy has stepped down from the Sea Bright Borough Council.
Murphy has been contemplating leaving the council for some time. He informed the Sea Bright Republican Committee he would not seek another term during their candidate selection process last spring, and then had a last minute change of heart and filed to run in the primary.
John Lamia, the candidate selected by the committee to replace Murphy before his change of heart, was the top vote getter, with 63 votes, in the primary. Murphy and his fellow incumbent, James LoBiondo, tied and there was one write-in vote, which created a vacancy for the second GOP nomination for council. Murphy also had a write-in vote in the Democratic primary.
For the last several months, Murphy has wanted the borough to hire him as the beach manager, a job he has been performing as a volunteer. Had he been hired, he would have resigned. Murphy said the job is still up in the air, but that he resigned for personal reasons and not due to his pending job application.
Posted: July 3rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: News, Sea Bright | Tags: C. Read Murphy, Read Murphy, Sea Bright | 6 Comments »