Sen Rand Paul
Official photo
Senator Rand Paul, R-KY, a potential GOP candidate for president in 2016, is fundraising in the heart of Christie country on Monday.
Yeshiva World News is reporting that Paul will be attending a fundraiser at the Lakewood home of Dr. Richard Roberts.
Roberts recently sold his generic drug company, Specialty Pharma, for $800 million.
Posted: June 9th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Rand Paul | Tags: Lakewood, Rand Paul, Richard Roberts | 3 Comments »
Senator Paul Stages Rare One-Man Filibuster of CIA Director’s Nomination (VIDEO)
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
As of this writing, Save Jerseyans, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is engaged in one of the most dramatic practices unique to American-style democracy: the Senate filibuster.
Typically, U.S. senators “filibuster” a nomination or legislation by refusing to provide a majority of the 60 votes required for cloture. Paul is using the much rarer one-man approach made popularly famous by Mr. Smith Goes to Washington whereby one Senator continues to speak on the floor until he decides to stop (or simply cannot carry on). The Senator’s aim? Holding up the nomination of John Brennan for CIA director; he hopes this gesture will raise awareness of a controversial new Justice Department policy that many believe would permit drone strikes on American citizens without any due process whatsoever.
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Posted: March 6th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: CIA, Drones, Rand Paul | Tags: CIA, John Brennan, Matt Rooney, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Rand Paul, SaveJersey, SaveJersey.com | 9 Comments »
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney for President yesterday, less than 24 hours after his father, Texas Congressman Ron Paul sent out an email to supporters acknowledging that he does not have enough delegates to win the GOP nomination.
The Bayshore Tea Party Group and the Monouth County Tea Party Coalition are calling for the elder Paul to disown his son.
Posted: June 8th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Bayshore Tea Party Group | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County Tea Party Coalition, Rand Paul, Ron Paul | 9 Comments »
United States Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has been detained by TSA at Nashville Airport, according to posts of the senator’s facebook page and on his father’s, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, facebook page.
According to the elder Paul’s post, there was an anomaly in Paul’s initial electronic body scan. He asked for a second scan. TSA demanded a full body pat down. The senator refused.
Posted: January 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: TSA | Tags: Nashville, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, TSA | Comments Off on U.S. Senator Rand Paul Detained By TSA