
Sheriff Golden, Freeholders, Call On Trenton To Stop Ripping Off 9-1-1 Fees

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Lillian Burry were joined by a bi-partisan group of municipal elected officials, as well as public safety officers, at the County Public Safety Center in Freehold this morning where they called upon Governor Phil Murphy and the State Legislature to restore the $.90 monthly tax on every cell phone line to its intended purpose…the funding of New Jersey’s 192 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: June 18th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, New Jersey, Shaun Golden | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments »