
Chairman Bennett Calls on Voters to Support Republicans on Primary Day

By John O. Bennett, Chairman, Monmouth County Republican Organization


John Benentt

John Benentt

Today is a great day to be a Republican! Once again, the opportunity to exercise one of our greatest Constitutional rights is upon us. Days like today reinforce the utmost pride I have to be your Monmouth County Republican Chairman.

It is my great honor to call upon all Republicans from western and central Monmouth County to the bayshore and coastal areas and ask them to support our candidates in today’s Primary Election. As always, we have a fantastic slate of Republican candidates, including our incumbent Freeholders Director Lillian Burry and Deputy Director Gary Rich and every municipal official who is up for election. I know that with a good showing today of voter turnout, we can send the  Democratic candidates a preview of what is waiting for them come November.

Please check the following list to see our Monmouth County Republican endorsed Candidates:

Rich Pezzullo for U.S. Senate
Chris Smith for Congress, 4th District
Anthony Wilkerson for Congress, 6th District
Lillian Burry & Gary Rich for County Freeholder

Don’t forget to vote for your local municipal offices!

So, before you head home tonight, please stop in at your local polling location and let your voice be heard. Cast your ballot for your local and county Republican candidates!

On to Victory

Posted: June 3rd, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , | 14 Comments »