All of New Jersey State Police officers will be equipped with body cameras by early next year, recording their interactions with the public. UPDATE: Body cams coming to a cop near you as N.J. pledges millions to equip officers Gov. Christie’s administration plans to allocate $1.5 million of the State Police’s existing budget to outfit the… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 29th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: New Jersey, News, NJ State Police | Tags: Body Cameras, NJ State Police, Police body cameras | Comments Off on Body cameras will soon be worn by 1,000 N.J. state troopers

TRENTON — State lawmakers would study whether police throughout the state should wear body cameras to capture their interactions with the public, under a bill approved today by the Senate. The legislation ( S2649), passed 37-0, began as an effort to require all officers to wear the devices, but was scaled back after the bill’ sponsor,…
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Posted: December 19th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: News, NJ State Legislature, NJ State Police | Tags: NJ Legislature, NJ Senate, Police, Police body cameras, Public safety, S2649 | Comments Off on Study of police body cameras approved by N.J. lawmakers