Guadagno leaves campaign trail after death of her mother

Kim Guadagno, center, and her mother Pat McFadden, right, from a family photo via facebook
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno’s mother, Mary Patricia (Pat) Blevens McFadden, died in Virginia Beach this morning. Guadagno has cancelled her official and campaign schedule and joined her family in Virginia, according to an announcement from the Department of State.
“Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, has joined her family in Virginia Beach, due to the passing this morning of her mother Mary Patricia (Pat) Blevens McFadden. Please include them in your prayers during this incredibly difficult time,” said Suzanne Schwab, spokesperson for the New Jersey Department of State.
Posted: May 29th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 Elections, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Kim Guadagno, New Jersey | Tags: 2017 GOP primary, 2017 Gubernatorial race, Kim Guadagno, Mary Patricia (Pat) Blevens McFadden, New Jersey, Patricia McFadden | Comments Off on Guadagno leaves campaign trail after death of her mother