
Brightbill Not Running For Reelection In Middletown

Middletown Deputy Mayor Pamela Brightbill will not be seeking a third term on the Township Committee, according to a statement released by the Middletown GOP today.

Zoning Board Member and Housing Authority Commissioner Stephanie Murray will be Mayor Tony Fiore’s running mate.  Fiore is seeking his second term on the Township Committee.  The candidates filed their nominating petitions today.

“While my commitment to public service is no less no than it was six years ago, I feel that it is the right time to pass the baton to another active member of our community, which is why I am pleased to support Stephanie Murray for Township Committee,” said Brightbill. “I know Stephanie will make and excellent addition to the Committee and help preserve the quality of life we all enjoy in Middletown.”

In addition to serving as a member of the Zoning Board and Housing Authority, Murray has also served as a member of the Township’s Parks and Recreation and Open Space Committees.  She is the founder of the community group known as “Middletown Mornings” which is an open forum for residents to meet with their local public officials.  Murray holds a B.A. from Fordham University and runs a small publishing company.

Fiore said of Murray, ” I know Stephanie Murray will serve the taxpayers of Middletown well based on her record of service on the Zoning Board and as a Commissioner on the Housing Authority.  Stephanie is not only a tireless member of our community, but also a dedicated wife and mother to three children whose family has lived in Middletown for 10 years.”

Posted: April 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »