
Congratulations Tony Howley

tony-howleyMMM congratulates Tony Howley on his election as Chairman of the New Jersey Young Republican Federation.

Howley was elected this afternoon at the federation’s semi-annual convention, hosted by the Middlesex Young Republicans at Rutgers University.

Along with  Howley, the 2011-2013 NJYRF board slate includes Nikki Lare (Morris) as Vice Chair, Sharon Soon (Essex) as Secretary, Alissa Bengivenga (Middlesex) as Treasurer, Mike Thulen (Ocean) as National Committeeman, Alyssa Canobbio (Camden) as National Committeewoman, Ken Tyburczy (Bergen) as Northeast Regional Chairman, Christine Madrid (Somerset) as Northwest Regional Chairman, Christopher Stark (Monmouth) as Southeast Regional Chairman,  Brian McGovern (Camden) as Southwest Regional Chairman, and Ron Filan (Atlantic) as Executive Director.
 “We look forward to expanding both the membership of the organization as well as our fundraising efforts,” said Howley, ” the next two years are going to be good years for Republicans in the state, and the Young Republicans are going to be a big part of this success.”
Posted: May 21st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , | 1 Comment »