He has a private jet, a pedigree of winning billion-dollar settlements, and the (sometimes grudging) respect of his adversaries. Now, he wants to become pharma’s latest headache. Class-action attorney Steve Berman is coming after a drug industry he says is “gouging” the American consumer. And his suits have the potential to crack the lid on the… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 20th, 2017 | Author: admin | Filed under: Health Care, New Jersey, News | Tags: Big Pharma, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals, Steve Berman | Comments Off on Meet the lawyer trying to pry drug pricing secrets out of Big Pharma
Congressman refuses to address the $10K he’s accepted from EpiPen’s PAC

graphic via ShoreNewsNetwork.com
When asked to respond to his challenger’s call for him to return the $10K he’s accepted from Mylan Pharmaceuticals,the manufacturer of EpiPen, the lifesaving emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock, Congressman Frank Pallone blamed the 400% wholesale price increase for the drug on congressional Republicans.
“It’s outrageous that drug companies like Mylan continue to dramatically increase the cost of lifesaving drugs, and this is just the latest example of why Congress needs to tackle the overall problem. I’ve been a longtime and outspoken advocate for Congress and my committee to address this issue, but, unfortunately, the Republican majority has repeatedly refused to work with us to solve this problem. We must find a solution to ensure that American’s aren’t subject to the whims of bad actors in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry,” Pallone’s statement to Observer read. (emphasis added)
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Posted: August 26th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Congressional elections, Brent Sonnek-Schmelz, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2016 Congressional Elections, anaphylactic shock, Brent Sonnek-Schmelz, Congressman Frank Pallone, EpiPen, Frank Pallone, Middlesex County News, Monmouth County News, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, NJ CD 6 | 2 Comments »

Congressman Frank Pallone
Republican congressional candidate Brent Sonnek-Schmelz today demanded that Congressman Frank Pallone (Radical Progressive Liberal Democrat-Middlesex and Monmouth Counties) return the $10,000 he has collected from Mylan Pharmaceuticals’ political action committee and that Pallone explain his cozy financial relationships with the companies he is charged with overseeing as the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Mylan and CEO Heather Bresch have come under scrutiny this week after it was reported that the company has increased the wholesale price of EpiPen 400% while Bresch’s salary has increased 671% from $2,453,456 in 2007, the year of the Mylan aquired EpiPen to $18,931,068 in 2015.
EpiPen is a life saving emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock. Sales of the drug provide 40% of Mylan’s operating profit, according to published reports.
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Posted: August 25th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2016 Congressional elections, Brent Sonnek-Schmelz, Frank Pallone, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: 2016 Congressional Elections, Brent Sonnek-Schmelz, EpiPen, Frank Pallone, Heather Bresch, Middlesex County News, Monmouth County News, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, New Jersey, Senator Joe Manchin | 1 Comment »