, the radical left wing group supported by financier George Soros, has endorsed Josh Welle for congress in New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District, which includes most of Monmouth County and parts of Ocean and Mercer Counties.

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Posted: August 30th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Congress, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2018 elections, CD-4, Josh Welle,, New Jersey, NJ 4 | 2 Comments », the extreme leftist advocacy group and PAC, lied to its members in New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District in a fundraising email last month.
In the email that purported to be a survey to determine which Democrat the organization would endorse in the June 5th primary, Josh Welle, address none of your business, or Jim Keady of Spring Lake, MoveOn stated that Congressman Chris Smith is retiring and that either Welle or Keady will be running against an unnamed Republican nominee in the general election on November 6th.
Congressman Smith is running for reelection and is unopposed in the 4th District Republican primary on June 5th. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 21st, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Chris Smith, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: 2018 elections, CD-4, Congressman Chris Smith, Greg's List, Jim Keady, Josh Welle, Monmouth County News,, New Jersey, NJ 4 | 2 Comments »