Marilyn Schlossbach and the Langosta Lounge Gang continues their
long-standing Easter Community Dinner tradition on Sunday, April 20th,
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Located at 1000 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park
Langosta Lounge will be closed to serve those in need.
Jersey Shore Rescue Mission is also serving to those in need
on Sunday, April 20th, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Located at 701 Memorial Drive, Asbury Park
A short Easter sermonette will be given by Rev. Mitch Green at 6:00PM
The above information was brought to you by
Lynn Humphrey Administrator/Owner of
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth, www.bizeturtle.com
The website fully dedicated to Monmouth County
BizEturtle does not have any information on the
above subject except what is stated.
Posted: April 19th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, BizEturtle | Tags: Asbury Park, community, dinner, easter, food, Jersey Shore, langosta lounge, monmouthcounty | Comments Off on Community Easter Dinner for those in Need

Affordable Housing Alliance is hosting a HUD HOMEBUYERS EDUCATION WORKSHOP on Saturday, April 19 At Eatontown Public Library, 33 Broad Street, Eatontown from 9:00 AM-5:00 PM.
Be sure and RSVP: 732-389-2958 for your spot. Seating is Limited
Come learn about the KEYS TO YOUR FUTURE at our workshop!
Topics Include: Education Workshop Overview.
How to start saving money for a down payment on a mortgage.
Grant Program & Fair Housing.
What Monmouth County has to offer you.
Special Loan Programs Available.
Credit & Budgeting.
How to check your credit and create a budget plan for your future.
Real Estate Process.
Applications & Qualifying Process.
Underwriting & Approval Process.
Closing Cost & Attorney Fees & Homeowners Insurance,
and Much More
Further information, Affordable Housing Alliance, www.affordablehousingalliance.com/
Information Brought to you by
Lynn Humphrey, Administrator/Owner
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth
contact me at [email protected] or 732-759-0485
Posted: April 18th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: Education, home, house, housing, monmouthcounty, workshop | Comments Off on HUD Homebuyers Education Workshop

New Jersey Friends of CLEARWATER FESTIVAL is celebrating
it’s 39th Annual Environmental Festival on
Saturday, September 13, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm &
Sunday, September 14, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Yes That is Right!! THIRTY-NINE YEARS !!
The NJ Friends of Clearwater Festival is New Jersey Friends of Clearwater’s annual open-air music and arts festival celebrating the spirit of people working and singing together for the environment.
From Sandy Hook to Asbury Park and NOW in Long Branch
The New Jersey Friends of CLEARWATER FESTIVAL has a strong
following of faithful earth-loving attendees.
This Year’s Theme: What Would Pete Do?
A Dedication to Our Founder: Pete Seeger
This year’s Festival is Located at The Great Lawn
Off of Ocean Blvd, Long Branch, NJ 07740
Near The Beautiful Ocean Place Resort & Spa
The event is handicapped accessible and sign language
interpreters are available.
We are also celebrating Our 40th Anniversary As a Sloop Club.
We would love for you to be a part of our Celebration.
Concern for our environment is becoming more crucial with each passing day. The education ofour youth is so important to all of us. There is a
serious decline in family-friendly entertainment like our festival.
Won’t you take a few moments to consider how you can help make this year’s Clearwater Festival as successful as possible?
Please help us by Sponsoring Us. Write to Ed Dlugosz at [email protected] or call 732-859-5752
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 15th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Jersey Shore, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Life, New Jersey | Tags: earth, Environment, Long Branch, lynnhumphrey, monmouthcounty | Comments Off on NJ Friends of Clearwater seeks Vendors & Volunteers & Sponsors