Freeholder Director Lillian Burry. Photo courtesy of Joe Sharp, All Is Sharp Photography.
The Monmouth-Ocean Development Council (MODC) recognized Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry’s many contributions to the quality of life and economy of the Jersey Shore Region on Thursday evening when they presented her the President’s Award at their 52nd annual Silver Gull Awards Dinner.
MODC is a business advocacy and networking group that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and business environment in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. MODC’s members include hundreds of influential business, community and government leaders representing diverse groups through the bi-county region.
“Freeholder Director Burry has made a powerful and positive impact on the quality of life and the vitality of our region,” said MODC Executive Director Ben Waldron. “We are proud to honor her ongoing leadership in revitalizing our region while preserving our history and open space.”
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Posted: May 8th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: All Is Sharp Photography, Ben Waldron, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry, Lillian G. Burry, MODC, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Ocean Development Council | Comments Off on Business Group Honors Freeholder Director Burry
Christie’s Republican Critics Don’t Get It
In early December of 2005 I attended the annual holiday gathering of the Monmouth Ocean Development Council. This particular party stands out in my memory of the hundreds of such parties I’ve attended over the years because of the entertainment. A jazz band from New Orleans was touring the country to raise money for the Katrina recovery efforts. Their music was fabulous. Their plea for help is what stuck with me. It was deep, personal and profound. The wreckage seen on television four months earlier was a distant memory for me, until I felt a little of the pain in that band’s plea.
The difference between hearing about and watching news accounts of a devastating hurricance and living through the aftermath of such a catostrophic event is like the difference between watching porn and having sex, though not nearly as fun. It’s not fun at all.
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Posted: November 20th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Art Gallagher, Barack Obama, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney, Monmouth Ocean Development Council, Monroe Towhship Republican Club, Monroe Township. Hurricane Katrina, porn, porn vs sex, Repubicans, sex | 6 Comments »