CVS will raise the minimum wage for its workers to $11 an hour beginning in April, matching a move made by Target in the fall and Walmart in January. Citing tax savings created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the company said it will also adjust pay ranges and rates for many retail pharmacy technicians,… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 11th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Donald Trump, Economy, News | Tags: CVS, CVS Pharmacy, Economy, MAGA, Minimum Wage, Trump tax cuts | 4 Comments »
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Posted: April 10th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Uncategorized | Tags: Chris Christie Town Hall, Fairfield, Minimum Wage, Town Hall | Comments Off on Chris Christie says Obama, Democrats should be careful increasing U.S. minimum wage

And scenes like this will be memories:
Posted: October 17th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Economy, NJ Constitution | Tags: #P2, Minimum Wage, NJ Constitution | 4 Comments »
By Tom Bracken, Laurie Ehlbeck, John Holub and Stefanie Riehl
New Jersey’s voters face an important choice on Nov. 5. We can either make annual job losses a permanent part of our state’s constitution, or we can send the minimum-wage debate back to the state Legislature where it belongs.
For the sake of New Jersey’s economy, we hope our state’s voters will choose the second path and vote no on Public Question No. 2.
Public Question No. 2 may seem well-intentioned at first glance, but its placement of future annual increases in the minimum wage on a constitutional autopilot is the wrong policy at the wrong time.
On a constitutional level, this minimum-wage hike should not be placed in the state’s founding charter. Instead, it’s an issue that deserves good, old-fashioned back-and-forth and political compromise between the Legislature and Governor’s Office. In fact, both the governor and Legislature admit that they already support a minimum-wage hike.
The minimum-wage debate belongs in the Legislature, not the constitution. For this reason, both Republicans and Democrats — including those who otherwise support an increase in the minimum wage — have spoken out against this irresponsible and harmful proposal.
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Posted: October 17th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election, Economy, NJ Constitution | Tags: John Holub, Laurie Ehlbeck, Minimum Wage, New Jersey Business and Industry Association, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, New Jersey Retail Merchants Association, NFIB, Public Question #2, Stefanie Riehl, Tom Bracken | 1 Comment »
By Matt Rooney,
Save Jersey bloggers have spent a lot of time discussing how a minimum wage hike will kill jobs if this fall’s ballot question passes.
What we haven’t discussed at-length is one of the terrible ironies of Big Government’s central planning in New Jersey: many welfare beneficiaries are already receiving significantly more money than they would working for the minimum wage after this proposed increase!
The libertarian CATO Institute released the results of an eye-opening new study this week that found welfare benefits in 35 U.S. states are actually worth more than a minimum wage job. You can click here to read the full report.
Specifically, in our own state of New Jersey, the full government welfare package (TANF, SNAP, housing assistance, Medicaid, etc) is worth $38,782 annually. That works out to roughly $18.62 per hour.
In case you’ve forgotten, Save Jerseyans, New Jersey’s current minimum wage is $7.25, so someone working a 40 hour per week job is earning only $15,080 annually. President Obama previously pitched a $9 federal minimum wage and Cory Booker wants $10.10 per hour. This November, New Jerseyans will vote on a comparatively modest bump (to $8.25 an hour) and, less modestly, whether to constitutionally tie future increases to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
I’m trying to understand how liberal logic rationalizes this economic incongruity.
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Posted: August 22nd, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Economy | Tags: Matt Rooney, Minimum Wage, New Jersey, Save Jersey, Welfare | 3 Comments »
Governor’s Conditional Veto Pairs Responsible 3-Year Phase-In of One-Dollar Wage Increase with 25 Percent Increase in Earned Income Tax Credit
Trenton, NJ – Acting to support a responsible increase in the state’s minimum wage while providing direct relief to New Jersey’s working families and protecting the state’s economic recovery, Governor Chris Christie today put forward a plan to increase the state’s minimum wage by one dollar over a phase-in period of three years and to provide direct relief to struggling families with a 25 percent increase to the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit.
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Posted: January 28th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Economy, Press Release | Tags: Chris Christie, Minimum Wage, New Jersey Minimum Wage | 1 Comment »