
Smith notes Social Security’s 85th year

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Today, #SocialSecurity turns 85 years old. Now more than ever, we must vigorously defend and safeguard both Social Security and Medicare—our nation’s sacred trusts with senior citizens and retirees. Senior citizens in New Jersey and across the country have worked hard throughout their lives to provide for their families and help build our communities, all while paying into Social Security and Medicare. These critical programs serve as a foundation for economic and healthcare security for millions of older Americans. A commitment was made, and the commitment must be kept. As I have done throughout my time in Congress, I will remain steadfast, working to ensure we deliver on promises made to retired and disabled beneficiaries who have earned, and now rely upon, their Social Security and Medicare benefits.

A post shared by Congressman Chris Smith (@repchrissmith) on

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: August 14th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

Why “Medicare for All” Is a Pipe Dream

By Alieta Eck, MD

Dr. Alieta Eck

As I listened to the Town Hall where Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders proclaimed his dream of Medicare for All, I realized that he was speaking in vague generalities that were void of realism. Medical care would be “free at the point of service with no co-pays.” Would there be any brakes on the over-utilization of services? He had no answer. He thus needs to understand that the demand for medical services is limitless when other people are paying the bill.

A pipe dream is an allusion to the dreams experienced by smokers of opium pipes. The suggestion that “Medicare for all” would save money is surely an example of a pipe dream promoted by politicians seeking votes.

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Posted: April 23rd, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Health Care, News, Opinion | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Medicare To No Longer Cover Penis Pumps, Saving $444 Million

Men who can't afford the little blue pill often turned to penis pumps which were covered by the federal government.Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Men who can’t afford the little blue pill often turned to penis pumps which were covered by the federal government.Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Medicare may soon be prohibited from spending money on vacuum pumps that treat erectile dysfunction in the coming years — an effort that could save up to $444 million but might upset those who can’t afford drugs like Viagra to treat their condition. The plan of cutting coverage of the pumps was proposed to help offset… Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: December 4th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Health Care, ObamaCare | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Medicare To No Longer Cover Penis Pumps, Saving $444 Million