
Marlboro Is Having An Election Where People Seem To Care

By Art Gallagher

Its four weeks before election day, yet it hardly looks like campaign season throughout much of Monmouth County. Lawn signs are scarce in the parts of the county where I’ve traveled.  I’ve only received one mailer.

The Asbury Park Press is doing their usual interviews of legislative and county candidates, but you’d have to go looking to find the write ups.

Governor Chris Christie’s presidential consideration has commanded much of the political attention and dominated the news.  The legislative races are uncompetitive.  Campaign money is scarce due to stifling pay to play laws and the poor economy.

Voter turnout is historically very low in years when the legislature is the top race.  2007 was the last such year.  In Monmouth County 128,169 people voted in 2007.  The following year, when Obama was elected, 292,037 people voted.  200,199 voted in the gubernatorial election of 2009 and 179,133 voted in the congressional elections last year.  There are 379,431 registered voters in Monmouth County, according to Labels and Lists.

Marlboro is the exception.   The Democratic incumbents, Mayor Jon Hornick running with Council members Frank LaRocca and Randi Marder are running hard to retain their offices.  On paper, the municipal race in Marlboro should be a sleeper like the rest of the races in the county.  Democrats have a 2619 voter registration edge in the township. The Republican organization is fractured and much of its best talent is supporting the Democrats.   The underfunded Republican upstart candidates are relative newbies to the political process.

Yet legacy Mayor Jon Hornick and his team are running as if their lives, or livelihoods, depend upon it.  They been advertising on NJ.com, they have billboards, lawn signs and mailers.  They raised a lot of money and they are spending it.

With little organizational support, the scrappy underfunded team of Craig Marshall for Mayor running with Christopher Dean and Marianne Duffy-Longobardi for Council appear to be making a race of it.

The legislative races are snoozers.  The county races are comatose, as are most municipal races.  Marlboro is the only game around so MMM will focus on it over the next few weeks.

Posted: October 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Marlboro | Tags: , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

Marlboro Republicans Respond to Contest set forth by Democrat Incumbents

Republican Candidates Craig Marshall, Christopher Dean, and Marianne Longobardi respond to contest set forth by the Democrat incumbents

With just over a month to go until the election, Democrat incumbents Jon Hornik, Frank LaRocca, and Randi Marder have shown that they will do anything it takes to get elected; even if it means to buy a vote.
In the recent article published on Patch.com, Jon Hornik and the rest of his team are now trying to earn votes by offering a $250 reward for this so called “game” they have initiated. “I find it distasteful and certainly not what an election decision should be about.” Craig Marshall, candidate for Mayor, said “it is interesting that instead of talking about the issues that matter most to the citizens of Marlboro like taxes, jobs, spending, Mayor Hornik along with his running mates are trying to divert attention from their out of control spending and actions.”
Craig Marshall is referring to the sky rocket legal and engineering fees the town has endured over the last four years, as well as, Randi Marder’s husband doing business with the town while she is serving as a member of the council.
“The use of the car as a campaign gimmick only illustrates their failure to grasp the concerns of the taxpayers” said Marianne Longobardi, candidate for Town Council, “Instead of a one time $250 contest, the taxpayers of Marlboro would be better suited by leadership that will reduce their property taxes.”
Marshall, Dean, & Longobardi have pledged that if elected they will put to an end to the reckless spending and always put taxpayers first!

Posted: October 8th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Marlboro | Tags: , , , , , , | 24 Comments »

Longobardi running in Marlboro to control spending, stop cronyism, preserve open space

marianne-longobardiBy Marianne Longobardi, Candidate For Marlboro Council

There have many people asking me why I decided to run for town council? I’ve been a nurse for almost 30 years, raised four children with my husband, and a grandmother of 11 grandchildren, many whom attend Marlboro public schools- so why would I decide to run now? Well, the question really should be is why shouldn’t I run? After a rewarding career as a registered nurse, I felt it was time to give back to my community and continue my dedication of service to others.

So, when I hear and read statements and allegations that are applied to me, or my running mates that are factually incorrect, I have no choice but to make the record clear.
First and foremost, I and my running mates believe that raising taxes continually over the past 4 years while raiding the town’s surplus and encumbering our children with the responsibility for paying back all the debt that we have amassed is wrong. Additionally we believe that we must strengthen our efforts to preserve open space, this goes a long way towards making Marlboro a well desired community to live in. Any program that unnecessarily takes over open space or allows a builder to be awarded a deal that does not require them to pay property taxes for 35 years is outrageous and something we will fight against.
We have an administration that has allowed tens of thousands of dollars in engineering fees although we have an “in-house” engineer, hundreds of thousands of dollars for lawyers- yet the majority of the COAH lawsuits against the township are still active- and has awarded thousands of dollars in no-bid contracts for a sitting council member’s husband.
That is why I am running; to correct what is wrong with our local government and current administration. I expect my opposition to spin their record to make them look good, but what I don’t appreciate is my (our) platform being misrepresented or fabricated by sitting elected officials who have nothing but themselves and higher office aspirations in mind.
Posted: September 25th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Marlboro | Tags: , | 8 Comments »