Bayshore Tea Party Leaders Walkout On Guadagno Speech

Bayshore Tea Party Group Leaders, Frank Gonzalez, Barbara Gonzalez, Lynn Gordon and Bob Gordon at the Monmouth County Lincoln Day Dinner. Photo Credit: Rhoda Chodosh
There were at least unhappy four people of the approximately 500 Republicans celebrating Lincoln Day in Monmouth County last night.
Bayshore Tea Party Group Co-founders, Barbara Gonzalez and Bob Gordon, along with their opposite sex spouses, Frank Gonzalez and Lynn Gordon stood up during Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno’s speech and quietly walked out of the Shore Casino in Atantic Highlands.
The Tea Partiers were upset about the support of Mitt Romney expressed by Guadagno and other speakers.
In an email to BTPG members sent after the event, Gonzalez said,
Some of us attended the Lincoln Dinner this evening, which is a republican event, held at the Shore Casino.
Four of us walked out during Lt Governor’s speech. Why?
Well, first, one speaker got up and told us how no other candidate is worth a crap and how Romney is the only one we should support. Then, the Lt Governor got up and spewed the same garbage.
The four of us that walked out were appalled. This was a disgraceful way for the republican party to act. There are three other candidates running on the republican ticket. How dare they.
That being said, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let them dictate who we should be voting for? Whether you support Gingrich, Santorum or Paul, you should hopefully be working your butt off for them.
We are actively doing some work for Santorum from the office if anyone is interested. Helene is the county leader, so contact her or reply to me if you want to help. I can tell you this….my passion to have Santorum win has just been increased by what I saw this evening.
Hell hath no fury like a woman being told who to vote for!
Other speakers who spoke in support of Romney were New Jersey National Republican Committeeman Bill Palatucci and Congressman Chris Smith.
On her facebook page, Gonzalez posted:
Posted: February 13th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Bill Palatucci, Bob Gordon, Chris Smith, Frank Gonzalez, Lynn Gordon, Mitt Romney, Monmouth County Lincoln Day Dinner, Monmouth GOP | 28 Comments »