Arrest is made in Long Branch double murder
Cousin of elder victim is charged
Related: Suspect Checked In With Prosecutors One Week After The Murders

Brian R. Foster, a registered sex offender, was convicted of aggravated assault in 1996
Brian Farmer, 58, of John St in Long Branch has been charged with the strangulation murders of his cousin, Joan Colbert and her 10 year old foster daughter Veronica Roach. Farmer also faces child pornography charges in connection with the 10 year old girl, according to a statement by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.
The Prosecutor’s office has confirmed that the defendant is the the same Brain R. Farmer, 58 of Long Branch, who is a registered sex offender convicted of aggravated assault in 1996.
A joint investigation by the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office and Long Branch Police Department was launched after Colbert and Roach were found in their first floor apartment at 61 Lippincott Ave. on August 1, 2014. Long Branch police responded to the home around 5:22 p.m. following a report of suspicious circumstances at the address.
A 13-day investigation revealed Farmer was at the home on July 30, where he was discovered by Colbert taking pornographic photographs of the 10-year-old girl. A confrontation ensued ending with Farmer killing Colbert and the girl. Farmer then fled the scene of his crimes.
Posted: August 14th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Long Branch, Monmouth County Prosecutor, News | Tags: Brian Farmer, Brian R Farmer, Crime, Dr. Diane Karluk, Long Branch, Long Branch Double Murder, Long Branch Murder, Monmouth County Prosecutor, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office | 2 Comments »