
Hope for light bulbs

From our friends at the Eagle Forum:

LIGHT BULB UPDATE from Eagle Forum in DC!

Thanks to our massive, grassroots push, the language repealing the Edison 100-watt light bulb ban *amazingly* made it into the Conference Report of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill  where it had been forgotten by the powers that be until just this past week. The House will vote on that language today and it will probably pass. However, Harry Reid and the President may back away from that Omnibus Bill because of the Keystone Pipeline issue and taking issue w/the pro-life rider prohibiting funding for DC abortions. Also, the 3000-page Conference document is not completely conservative – in general. Ah, Washington, DC…
Carolee Adams, President
Eagle Forum of New Jersey

Posted: December 16th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Energy | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Hope for light bulbs