Fake Democrat PAC sends Fake News to Howell Voters
The reelection campaign of Howell Mayor Theresa Berger was kicked off last week with a fake newspaper filled with fake news and paid for and mailed to Howell voters by a Fake Democrat political action committee.

The Howell Tribune, a political hit piece filled with false and misleading content, claims that Berger blocked a proposed dump in the township and that Republican council members are behind the increase in residential development.
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: September 27th, 2020 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Howell, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Ed Wolff, Edwin J Wolff, Lawrence Hesse, Mayor Nothing Berger, Mayor Theresa Berger, Mayor Theresa Nothing Berger, Monmouth Coiunty News, Monmouth County Democrats, Ocean County Democrats, Ocean County Landfill, Pt Pleasant Democrats | 4 Comments »