Homeland Security awards grants to local Jewish organizations

Ken Philmus, Security Taskforce Chair for the Jewish Federation and Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden address security measures with Jewish leaders
The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey announced that 16 Jewish organizations throughout Monmouth and Middlesex counties are among the 58 recipients statewide of nonprofit grants awarded by the Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program.
The grants are intended for security equipment, such as cameras and surveillance systems, lighting, card access readers, blast film, fencing and bollards (short posts used to protect an area against vehicles).
“In total, New Jersey-based applicants received $4.26 million, more than double than last year,” said Security Taskforce Chair for the Jewish Federation Ken Philmus. “The number of Jewish organizations receiving grants represents a five-fold increase from 2015. It will bring more than a million dollars in security upgrades to the Jewish community.”
The Federation worked closely with the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office on the security effort.
Posted: July 20th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Press Release, Shaun Golden, War on terror | Tags: Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey, Ken Philmus, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Press Release, Shaun Golden | Comments Off on Homeland Security awards grants to local Jewish organizations