Marlboro Republicans Propose Reforms To Protect Children

Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, center-right, presents a campaign contribution to Council candidate Sui Allex, Mayoral candidate Ira Goldberg and Council candidate John Dwyer at the Bella Vista Country Club last month
Marlboro, NJ- The Marlboro Republican candidates for Mayor and Council responded to the news of a Township Camp Counselor pleading guilty to sexting photos of his genitalia to four 11-13 year old female campers with a four point proposal to reform the Recreation Department’s Summer Camp Program.
In a statement released this afternoon, Ira Goldberg, candidate for Mayor, and Council candidates Sui Allex and John Dwyer said they would implement the following reforms should they be elected on November 3rd:
Posted: October 7th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: Councilman Michael Scalea, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Jonathan Capp, Marlboro Republicans, Mike Scalea, Monmouth County News, Sui Allex | 5 Comments »