Congressman Chris Smith today announced that the $101.57 million in funding for projects scheduled at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst this year is safe from being diverted to fund the southern border security projects covered by President Donald Trump’s Emergency Declaration of February 15.
“These projects are not at risk,” Smith said after having been assured by the Department of Defense that awards for anticipated construction at the Joint Base are on schedule to be awarded in the current fiscal year. “Nothing at the Joint Base will be cut.”
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Posted: March 19th, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Smith, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News | Tags: CD-4, Congressman Chris Smith, JB-MDL, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Monmouth County News, NJ 4, Ocean County News, President Donald Trump, Southern border security | 1 Comment »
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The U.S. Air Force has issued the final decision to send 24 KC-46A tankers to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst after study found there would be no significant impact on the local environment, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) announced on Monday.
“The joint base has cleared a major hurdle for the much-anticipated arrival of the KC-46A tankers,”said Smith, dean of the New Jersey congressional delegation who in July, 2016 led a delegation letter urging the Air Force to designate JB-MDL for the tankers. Smith was a leader in emphasizing the ideal location of JB-MDL for the tankers. JB-MDL is the nation’s only tri-service joint installation and is home to over 80 mission partners including active duty, Reserve and Guard units. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 24th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Smith | Tags: CD-4, Congressman Chris Smith, JB-MDL, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Monmouth County News, Ocean County News | Comments Off on Joint Base MDL clears final approval for KC-46A Pegasus air-refueling tankers

Congressmen Chris Smith and Tom MacArthur cut the ribbon for a new hanger at JB-MDL in 2015
The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, passed by the House of Representatives today, provides for a 2.6% pay increase for all military personnel, the largest increase in nine years, and provides $10.2 million for projects at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst , Congressman Chris Smith announced this afternoon. Additionally, there will be no Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process through fiscal 2019, under the terms of the bill.
“It is critical that this legislation authorizes a pay raise and new equipment for the men and women serving in our nation’s armed forces,” Congressman Smith said. “For too long their needs have been ignored, and now is the time to ensure they have all the resources and equipment they require to get the job done.”
The $10.2 million for JB-MDL will fund infrastructure improvements needed in preparation for the highly-anticipated arrival of 15 KC-46A refueling tankers, which are expected to begin arriving in FY 2021.
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Posted: July 26th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, New Jersey, Ocean County | Tags: CD-4, Congressman Chris Smith, JB-MDL, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ 4, Ocean County News | Comments Off on House Defense Bill Will Boost Joint Base MDL, Congressman Smith announces