Marissa Procopio photo via facebook
Marissa Procopio, the 15 year old Atlantic Highlands girl who was struck by a hit and run driver in Middletown on Tuesday, is on life support at Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune. Previous published reports said she had died of her injuries on Wednesday afternoon at 3:46.
An official of the Henry Hudson Regional High School District who asked not to be named for this story told MoreMonmouthMusings that Marissa’s family was informed by her doctor that there was no blood flowing to her brain and that there was no hope of recovery. The family has chosen to keep Marissa on a life sustaining ventilator for two days in order that family members can travel to say good-bye, according to the school official. The official said that the high school principal visited Marissa at the hospital on Wednesday at 5:45 pm, two hours after the reported death.
Robert Cavanaugh, spokesperson for Jersey Shore Medical Center, declined to confirm Marissa’s condition, citing HIPAA regulations that the hospital’s policy against commenting on the condition of minors. An telephone operator a Jersey Shore said that Marissa is patient in the Intensive Care Unit.
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Posted: July 9th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Atlantic Highlands, Henry Hudson Regional High School, Marissa Procopio, Middletown, Middletown Police Department, Monmouth County News | 2 Comments »
The Henry Hudson Regional Junior Admiral Players Present their annual middle school play.
Beginning tonight at 7PM, SHERLOCK’S FIRST ADVENTURE will run from through Saturday, April 5th at Henry Hudson Regional School, 1 Grand Tour, Highlands.
(All performances begin at 7pm).
Tickets will be sold at the door, and are $7 general admission, and
$5 for students/seniors.
Light dessert refreshments will be available.
TONIGHT ( Wednesday) ALL tickets are just $5!!!!!
The play, by award-winning playwright Craig Sodaro, is a two-act
mystery-comedy inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic character, Sherlock Holmes. The story introduces us to a young Holmes, who,
along with his friend John Watson, unravels his first real case while still a student at a Victorian-era London boarding school.
Featuring a cast of 22, all 7th and 8th graders at Henry Hudson Middle School will present .
For more information, visit the school’s website, at www.hhrs.us or
call, 732-872-0900.
Information Brought to you by
Lynn Humphrey, Administrator/Owner
BizEturtle:Events in Monmouth
contact me at [email protected] or 732-759-0485
Posted: April 2nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Art, BizEturtle, Highlands | Tags: arts, bizeturtle, Henry Hudson Regional High School, Highlands, lynn humphrey, school | Comments Off on Wednesday, April 2-Sherlock’s First Adventure at Henry Hudson Regional School
Hearing will be soley to hear from members of the public
The Senate Budget and Appropriations has heard from local officials, first responders and representatives of utilities companies in the last two weeks. This week they want to hear from members of the public who were impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The committee will convene in Highlands on Tuesday, December 11, 3PM at Henry Hudson Regional High School. The hearing is scheduled to go until 7PM.
“The first two hearings have provided us with a tremendous amount of feedback and ideas from those who were on the ground during the storm,” said Senator Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen, Passaic), chairman of the Committee. “What we really need now though is to hear directly from those affected by the storm. We can’t move forward in this process with direct input from the public. While I know it may be difficult given individual circumstances, we wanted to present an opportunity for people to come and share their experiences, so that we can learn from them.”
“We are further driven to immediately help our state recover as we connect with our small business owners, first responders and residents fighting to overcome devastation from Sandy,” added ranking committee member Senator Tony Bucco, (R-Morris). “An integral step toward revitalizing New Jersey is fully grasping the struggles and needs of those in Highlands and surrounding areas.”
Those wishing to speak at the hearing must register in advance via email [email protected]; fax , 609-943-5995 or by calling the committee staff at 609-847-3835.
Anyone providing written testimony is asked to provide 20 copies on the day of the hearing.
Posted: December 9th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Highlands, Hurricane Sandy, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Henry Hudson Regional High School, Highlands, Monmouth County, Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, Senator Paul Sarlo, Senator Tony Bucco | 1 Comment »
The Borough of Highlands has announced a voluntary evacuation of its storm torn downtown area due to the oncoming nor’easter, via reverse 9-11.
Tidal flodding is expected.
Residents in need of shelter should move the to Henry Hudson Regional High School.
Posted: November 7th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Highlands | Tags: Henry Hudson Regional High School, Highlands, Voluntary evacuation | Comments Off on Voluntary Evacuation in Highlands