The Day I Was Asked To Run For U.S. Senate
Have you ever had a day in your life that seemed ordinary; but as the day unfolds, it becomes life altering? The day I am about to tell you about was like that for me. After this became part of my past, each passing day after it became more aggressive and life altering than the day before it. I will tell you more about those later.
Sometimes I cannot believe it was part of my life. If this were a part of reality television, viewers would have been glued to their TVs each week. I have many awesome stories, along with some scars. I found it is in the scars where you find your true character, so it was an all around win for me.
In New Jersey politics, many who’ve been in it for a long time would say my story is all too common, and it is; but this story is uncommon in many ways. This story unfolds the intriguing details of the dynamic team work put in by my opposition to keep me as an unknown. They worked hard on a daily basis putting out fires, getting shows canceled, keeping articles of me from being published, making sure I was not invited places, and the list could go on and on. I congratulate this machine of people in their success; they are really good at what they do.
Posted: April 10th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: Gwen Clayton Diakos | 18 Comments »