Hazlet Boy Scout’s Eagle Project Saves RAINE Foundation $4K Per Year

Kyle Mulvey
A Hazlet teenager’s leadership and commitment to his community will have a lasting impact on the RAINE Foundation, the all volunteer local charity that delivers thousands of toys to hundreds of Bayshore families at Christmas and supports families in crisis everyday.
Kyle Mulvey, a Raritan High School junior and a Life Scout with Boy Scout Troop 66 of the Twin Lights District of the Monmouth County Council, Boy Scouts of America led 80 volunteers….fellow scouts and members of the Raritan wrestling and football teams..in building a new operations center for RAINE. The project, which is part of Mulvey becoming an Eagle Scout, consisted of acquiring a storage trailer, securing a location and rigging it with shelving and solar powered lighting. RAINE will use the facility to store the supplies it uses to help families in need.
Posted: June 29th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, RAINE Foundation | Tags: Anthony Petruzzi, Boy Scouts of America, Declan O'Scanlon, Eagle Scout Project, Hazlet, Joe Kryillos, Kyle Mulvey, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Patti Dickens, Raine Foundation, Raritan High School, Sue Kiley, Troop 66 | Comments Off on Hazlet Boy Scout’s Eagle Project Saves RAINE Foundation $4K Per Year