
So That’s What Cancer Looks Like

By Muriel J. Smith

12115503_10153570319825926_8378156257244308399_nEditor’s note: This article is the second in an exclusive series of Muriel’s inspiring and hopeful message after dealing with breast cancer

It was Nov. 25, two days after my 79th birthday, when Dr. Ann Hughes, the interpreting radiologist for the Star and Barry Tobias Women’s Health Center at Central State Medical Center, wrote to let me know my mammogram showed a finding “that requires additional imaging studies.”  The radiologist sent the same information to Dr. Robert Pedowitz, my general practitioner, who immediately called me. He wanted me to see Dr. Mary Martucci, the medical director and surgical oncologist at the Women’s Center. I’m not saying it’s cancer, he cautioned, simply that he would like an oncologist involved right from the get go. Just in case.

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Posted: May 12th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Breast Cancer, Health Care, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »