
Swimming River fix holding. It will a while before the power comes back on. Stay off the roads on Tuesday

Most of Monmouth County will be without electricity for at least a few days, but water should not be an issue.

On a conference call lead by Governor Christie this evening, BPU President Robert Hanna said that New Jersey American Water Company reported that the temporary fix to the Swimming River Water Treatment Plant which failed last summer is holding up well.  No problems in delivery water are anticipated.

Ongoing storm conditions will prevent JCP&L from getting to work on restoring power.  Winds of over 85 mph are expected throughout tonight and into tomorrow morning, according to Jim Hayes of the National Weather Service-Mt. Holly, who was also on the call.  While Sandy made landfall near Atlantic City, the worst winds are expect in Northeastern New Jersey down through Monmouth County.  The 5000 out of state utility workers standing by will not be deployed until after the winds subside to around 25 mph, according to Hanna.

The high winds will cause storm surges 4.5-7.5 feet higher than expected.  North Coastal Monmouth County from Sandy Hook south will experience record levels of surges and flooding.

DOT Commissioner James Simpson urged all New Jersey residents to stay off the roads tomorrow except for a genuine emergency.  Treacherous road conditions from fallen trees and utility lines are reported throughout the state.

Posted: October 29th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Hurricane Sandy | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Swimming River fix holding. It will a while before the power comes back on. Stay off the roads on Tuesday