The third annual Take A Veteran Fishing Day is Saturday, May 4 from 9 am till 2pm at Lake Julianna, Ponderosa Estates Farm, in Millstone Township. The goal of the day is to provide fun and relaxation for disabled veterans and to relax while enjoying the peaceful surroundings of Lake Julianna with other veterans.

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The event is sponsored by Cardinale Enterprises LCC and supported by Vietnam Veterans of America Shore Area Chapter 12, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Boating Education and Rescue and the Jersey Coast Anglers Association. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 3rd, 2019 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: Cardinale Enterprises, Disabled Veterans, Lake Julianna, Monmouth County News, Play Hook-e, Ponderosa Estates Farm, Take a Veteran Fishing Day, Vito Cardinale | Comments Off on Disabled Vets To Play Hook-e From PTSD In Millstone
By Art Gallagher
Since September 11, 2001, 1,000,000 American kids have answered the call.
Today, November 11, 2016 the mainstream media is focusing on a few kids who are protesting the outcome of the presidential election in their safe spaces.
I prefer to honor those 1,000,000 men and women who have sacrificed and experienced unimaginable horrors to protect our American way of life that gives those of us who are ridiculing the protesting kids from our own safe places the right to do so.
I recently had the privileged of beginning to get to know one of those young men, Staff Sergeant (Ret) Matthew O’Neil. Matt is the eldest son of my friend Rick O’Neil, the Mayor-elect of Highlands.
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Posted: November 11th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Veterans | Tags: Disabled Veterans, Joshua Hall, Matt O'Neil, Veterans Day, War of terror | 2 Comments »
And now for a Memorial Day history lesson. The American tradition of treating veterans badly started right here in New Jersey. The Pennsylvania Line of Continental Army — with their enlistments up — were forced to stay in service. When they walked off the job at Jockey Hollow in 1781, citing deplorable conditions and lousy pay,… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 25th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Memorial Day, Veterans | Tags: Disabled Veterans, Memorial Day, PTSD | Comments Off on This Memorial Day, let’s also remember those who nearly made ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ | Di Ionno