Confidence, Courage and Character

Lillian G. Burry
Remarks of Lillian G. Burry as prepared for delivery on April 1, 2016 to the Jersey Shore Girl Scouts annual Women of Distinction Dinner.
Confidence, Courage and Character
A slogan featured by the Girl Scouts.
I would like to tie it into my life.
Confidence, Courage , Character.
These are three things that start growing in the heart of every girl from the day she is born. If she is lucky, she has them nurtured by parents and family and friends. But just like muscles, these qualities must be exercised regularly if they’re to become strong and certain. Fortunately, life affords us regular chances.
Posted: April 5th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Lillian Burry | Tags: Confidence Courage and Character, Freeholder Lillian Burry, Girl Scouts, Jersey Shore Girl Scouts, Lillian G. Burry | 3 Comments »