
Crony Capitalists: Handlin lets them have it, and gives you the tools to do them same

crony-capitialists-handlin“If you want to survive in this business, keep your mouth shut.”

That was the first piece of advice I got as a newly elected member of my county’s governing board in the 1990s. I was an idealistic political neophyte. My self-appointed mentor was a jaded party boss, one of the longest-serving political strongmen in the state. To me, accountability was key to integrity. But among his sycophants and hangers-on, this was a silly notion for suckers, fools or wimps.

Assemlywoman Amy Handlin in no sycophant or hanger-on.  Nor is she a sucker, fool or wimp.

In her hard hitting ebook published by HarperCollins, Handlin tells of her encounters with Monmouth County and New Jersey “Crony Capitalists”, and gives Tea Party members and other citizen activists and blueprint on how to fight corruption at the lowest levels of government.

The essay includes tales of Hanlin’s career as a Middletown committeewoman, Monmouth County Freeholder, Assemblywoman, as well as references to corrupt practices throughout the nation.

Crony Capitalist in Out Backyards: Who they are, What they do, and How to fight back is a must read for every citizen who wants to actually do something, and not just complain, about the wasteful and corrupt practices in government.

It’s only 30 pages and it only costs $1.99.  You can buy it here or here.

If you’re a regular reader of this site, you’ll recognise some of the characters in Handlin’s essay.

Posted: January 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Public Corruption, Reform Agenda | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments »