SOMERSET — Michael and Amy Streko, the Neptune City couple charged with taking their 8-year-old son from his grandmother, his legal guardian, have been indicted on second-degree interference with custody in Somerset County Superior Court. The pair were extradited from New York and taken to the Somerset County Jail on Aug. 6. Each parent is being… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 27th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Amy Streko, Child Abduction, Michael Streko, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County Family Court, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Somerset County Court | Comments Off on Neptune City parents indicted for allegedly abducting their 8-year-old son
NEPTUNE — It’s still not exactly clear why Michael and Emy Streko allegedly abducted their own son — taking him from his grandmother’s home in Green Brook, where she had custody of the 8-year-old. But when Michael Streko cleared out the Neptune City home where family members had previously lived together, he left behind two cats… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 23rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News, New Jersey | Tags: cats, Child Abduction, Emy Streko, Michael Streko, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Somerset County Prosecutor | Comments Off on Cats found abandoned after parents allegedly abducted own son
Congressman Chris Smith’s International Child Abduction Bill Awaits President Obama’s Signature

Sean Goldman, 14, celebrating the passage of a child abduction bill named for him, with Congressman Chris Smith. Photo and graphic via Bring Sean Home Foundation’s facebook page
Legislation that will give the State Department tools to apply pressure on foreign government to return abducted American children that Congressman Chris Smith as been pushing through congress for five years has finally passed both the House and Senate.
The Sean and David Goldman Act first passed the House unanimously last December. With the help of Senator Bob Menendez, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the bill passed the Senate with some changes on July 16. On Friday, the House passed the Senate version.
Sean Goldman, of Tinton Falls, was four years old in June of 2004 when his mother Bruna told her husband David that she was taking the boy to her native Brazil for a two week vacation to visit her parents. Instead, Bruna divorced David in a Brazilian Court and married another man, keeping Sean in her native country.
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Posted: July 28th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Monmouth County | Tags: Child Abduction, Congressman Chris Smith, David Goldman, HR 3212, Sean Goldman, Senator Bob Menendez, The Sean and David Goldman Act | Comments Off on Sean and David Goldman Act Passes House and Senate