By Greg Kelly
It’s that time of the year when those more fortunate give to those less fortunate. And now more than ever it appears the generosity is needed.
A recent Chronicle of Philanthropy report, How America Gives (which regularly reviews the nation’s charitable ways), shows that only 24% of Americans are now making charitable donations (it was 31% a decade ago).
“Demographic and cultural shifts may also be contributing to the decline,” according to the report. “Millennials have overtaken boomers as the country’s largest generation, and studies widely indicate that they aren’t embracing traditional ideas of giving.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: December 11th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Greg Kelly, Monmouth County News | Tags: Charity, Greg Kelly, Holiday Giving, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Season of Charity | Comments Off on The Season for Some Charity
By Greg Kelly
Want a good reason to make a charitable donation this holiday season? It’s makes for better health—for you. New research by a University at Albany-SUNY economics professor finds that donors have “a lower probability of suffering health-related problems including high blood pressure, cancer, heart attack, and obesity.”
While Professor Baris Yoruk focused more on the receiving of tax deductions for charitable (an important consideration), he also maintains that “donating to charity may actually improve a giver’s physical and emotional wellbeing.” So why not make yourself and others well this holiday season.
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Posted: December 12th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Greg Kelly, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Charity, Greg Kelly, Monmouth County Charities, Monmouth County News, Year end giving | Comments Off on Giving—Help Yourself and Others this Holiday Season
Matt and Jill Zane are two loved and selfless educators in the Wall Township, New Jersey school district. After battling fertility issues for several years, Jill became pregnant with twins through IVF. Eight weeks into the pregnancy, one of the eggs split, giving Matt and Jill triplets in August, 2010.
One of their three children, Caden, is a medically complex, chronically ill disabled little boy. Every day is a serious struggle for Caden, vomiting constantly and often crying through sleepless nights. These are just a few of the many difficulties Caden endures. With very little understanding of Caden’s condition, the Zane family has struggled to get him the help he needs.
Most recently, Jill has been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer that has metastasized to her bones and two organs.
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Posted: November 12th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Caden Zane, Caden's Christmas, Charity, Fundraising, Jill Zane, Matt Zane, Monmouth County, Wall Township, Wall Township Board of Education | Comments Off on Caden’s Christmas; To Benefit the Zane Family

The Atlantic Highlands Police Benevolence Association Local 242
hosts their 27th annual event, which, for many residents of Atlantic Highlands, is an annual rite of Spring on Saturday, May 23rd, 2014
Fine dining, hors d’oeuvres and an open bar combined with a
charity auction with dozens of spectacular prizes are expected, as always, to attract large numbers of residents.Over the years, P.B.A Local #242 has contributed proceeds from the event to local organzations, including : The AH Historical Society, Henry Hudson Regional School and the Atlantic Highlands Elementary School.
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Posted: May 8th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: BizEturtle, Monmouth County | Tags: Atlantic Highlands, auction, bizeturtle, Charity, Monmouth County, music, PBA, prizes | Comments Off on Save the Date, Saturday, May 23, 2014