By Muriel J. Smith
Editor’s note: This article is the first in an exclusive series of Muriel’s inspiring and hopeful message after dealing with breast cancer

Muriel J. Smith
It’s quite a story. Full of coincidences, a new invention, a forward thinking radiologist, a medical center that has the integrity and strength to offer its patients an economical and painless alternative to surgery, a private physician who suggests, explains, and urges a woman to review all options, a surgical oncologist who explains everything in simple detail then encourages a patient to make her own decisions, an international meeting, a team of young, bright, intelligent Israelis who are on the cutting edge of tomorrow’s cancer cures. And me. I’m part of that story!
And it all started with a special sales offer for a body massage at Hand and Stone on Route 33 in Howell. That’s the embarrassing part.
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Posted: May 10th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Breast Cancer, Monmouth County News | Tags: CentraState Medical Center, Dr. Mary Martucci, Jeanie Palmieri, Monmouth County News, Muriel J. Smith, Muriel Smith, Muriel Smith Breast Cancer, Women's Health Care | Comments Off on From Body Massage to Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Every hospital in Monmouth and Ocean Counties will exchange ready-to-use new doses of the overdose antidote naloxone, free of charge, for the empty syringes used to resuscitate the overdose victims, under a partnership agreement announced today by Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni and Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato.
The hospitals affiliated with Barnabas Health, Meridian Health and CentraState Medical Center are absorbing 100% of the cost of the antidotes exchanged with law enforcement officers, according to Charles Webster, spokesman for Gramiccioni’s office.
“Protecting our citizens is our most basic and fundamental function in law enforcement. We can’t do it alone, so we count on help from friends and partners who cooperate with us and who share, in some form or fashion, the same responsibility and commitment in helping to protect human life. It is these partnerships that make us even better. Through this partnership, our local hospitals are standing with us as we fight the deadly epidemic of heroin or prescription opiates drug overdoses,” Gramiccioni said.
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Posted: July 1st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Heroin, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor, New Jersey, Ocean County | Tags: Barnabas Health, CentraState Medical Center, Christopher J. Gramiccioni, Drug Epidemic, Joseph D. Coronato, Meridian Health, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Naloxone, Ocean County Prosecutor's Office, Opiate Deaths, Opiate Epidemic | 2 Comments »