Our friend Charles Measley, who wakes up every morning thinking of what hell he can unleash on Frank Pallone’s life, is having a caption contest for this photo snapped of Pallone and Bob Menendez at yesterday’s Belmar St. Patrick’s Parade:

If you leave your caption on Charles’s Frank Pallone Not For New Jersey facebook page you will be eligible for a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift card courtesy of Charles.
If you leave your caption here, you can read app.com for free this week.
Posted: March 5th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 U.S. Senate Race | Tags: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, APP.com, Belmar, Belmar St. Patrick's Parade, Bob Menendez, Charles Measley, Dunkin Donuts, Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone Not For New Jersey | 9 Comments »