Anti-Religious Asbury Park City Council Violated Constitution, Unwittingly Supported Hate and Neglected Black People
By Thomas DeSeno

Asbury Park Democrat Chairman Giuseppe Joe Grillo, Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn, Tommy DeSeno and Mayor John Moor. photo via facebook
The Asbury Park City Council, using government letterhead, made a declaration opposing a religious belief. Government can no more denounce a religious belief than they can endorse one, without violating the 1st Amendment Establishment Clause. They then went on an illegal bullying campaign against a Pastor. So caught up in a mob-induced false narrative of gossip, they ignored that the Pastor was bringing financial relief to the Westside black community, something all City Councils failed to do for 50 years.
Posted: July 9th, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Asbury Park, Christianity, Monmouth County News, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: 1st Amendment, AME Zion Church, Asbury Park, Asbury Park Outrage Team, Atlantic Park, Bradley Park, Christian Fuscarino, Establishment Clause, Festival of Life, Garden State Equality, ILGA, International Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association, Islam, JD Shuttlesworth, Johnnie Mac's, Kristallnacht, Monmouth County News, Omar Mateen, Opinion, Outrage Team, Pastor Friedel, Pastor JD Shuttlesworth, Pastor Lyddale Akins, Rev. Dr. Vanzant, Reverend Harris, Second Baptist Church, Shore Christian Church, Tom DeSeno | 19 Comments »