9-11 memories
MMM readers are invited to submit their 9-11 memories in the comments of this post. If you would like your story published on the front page, start you comment with “Art, put this on the front page.”
MY 9/11 memory, by Charles Measley
It was a morning very similar to this as I sat in my six grade English class at
Holy Trinity School in Long Branch. When a teacher from across the hall came in
and instructed us to turn on the news, that there was some sort of accident in
New York City.
As we turned on CNN we saw a gaping hole on the side of a skyscraper as the
reporters struggled to understand how a pilot could make such a horrific mistake on a clear day like this. As we sat there and watch without warning we saw an airplane coming from behind and slamming into the next tower with a horrific fireball. At that moment the attitude of everyone change , the reporters said with certainty that this was no accident, but intentional.
Shortly after that my father came and picked me up early, he drove me down to the beach in West, a section of Long Branch. As we stood there on the sandy
beach with the crystal clear sky in front of us we could see the smoke billowing
from the city. In the back of my mind I was wondering if my mother, who worked in the city was okay.
We went back home and put on the news and watch as one tower fell, and then
another, and then a plane crashing into the Pentagon and then another plane
smashing into a field in Pennsylvania. Luckily that day my mother never made it in, she left late and got stuck in traffic on the parkway by Perth Amboy.